COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Saliva Quick Test
Corona test is a saliva test that you can perform yourself at home or work
This covid-19 saliva rapid test is CE approved.
With this Corona rapid quick test you can check at home or work if you are currently infected and/or contagious with the Corona virus. The saliva test gives a reliable result within 10-15 minutes. No medical supervision needed! Perfect for rapid testing and testing in institutions (e.g. companies, schools, catering industry & events), so that work and school activities can be resumed without any worries.
Due to the non-invasive sample collection, the rapid test is ideal for use with children elderly and disabled people.
The antigen rapid test is a test using the non-invasive method by using saliva from your mouth. The SARS-COV-2 Saliva Antigen Rapid Test Kit represents the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antigen using the Colloidal gold test principle. This test works with high accuracy due to the affinity between ACE2 receptors and S proteins. In addition, the test is also sensitive to different mutants.
This saliva test indicates within 15 minutes. Subsequently, the test indicates whether there is reason to suspect the presence or infectiousness of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We advise you to contact your doctor after a positive indication.
This corona test, just like has been validated in Europe and has a valid CE and TüV certificate. This test also meets the minimum requirements of the RKI and PEI (the German RIVM) and is included in the BfArM list. (The Federal Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices)